Swift Touring Caravans

Swift is Europe’s number one leisure vehicle brand, their philosophy and main aim is to build leisure vehicles that are at the heart of your holiday. Swift caravans use the UK’s leading modern construction system with “SMART” timberless framing that is impervious to water and are tested with an extreme cold chamber to ensure that they keep you warm and comfortable – no matter the weather outside! Newer Swift models come with the latest innovations in caravanning technology – such as remotely controlled heating and fridges as well as Alde wet central heating system. New Swift caravans also come with a 10-year body/shell and water ingress warranty as standard as well as a 3-year warranty for everything else. With plenty of Swift approved service engineers across the country, it couldn’t be easier to look after your Swift caravan!
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Monday - Saturday9am - 5:30pm
Sunday10am - 5:30pm
Salop Leisure Limited
Shropshire, SY5 6QS
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