Set in the magical hillsides of Mid Wales, Gwernydd Hall is a well-run Five Star Park, complemented by its rural location, with all the fully serviced pitches enjoying outstanding views of the surrounding valleys.
The area is one of contrasting and beautiful landscapes with sweeping hillsides, sparkling lakes, reservoirs and teaming rivers, all lending themselves to walks amongst the superb scenery.
Exclusive facilities include: Indoor pool with spa & sauna. Bar, coffee shop, restaurant, fishing, gymnasium, cinema, snooker room, crazy golf, WIFI, bowling green, wildlife and children's recreation area.
We have a selection of high quality, new & pre owned caravan holiday homes and in addition any new caravan of your choice can be ordered for you from Salop Leisure and sited on one of the excellent choice of vacant plots on our beautiful park.
We are also very proud of our small, select log cabin development with its superb countryside views.
Our site fees are £2979 for single unit holiday homes and £3836 for twin unit luxury lodges.